ESMAA, launched in 2020, is a music rights management entity based in Abu Dhabi. Its primary mission is to ensure that music creators and rights owners are fairly compensated for their work in the Gulf region, and to facilitate the music licensing process for those using music in this area.


The primary goal of the project was to design a new, modern website for ESMAA that effectively communicates their mission, services, and achievements. Additionally, the project included creating a series of presentation designs to support their business development and stakeholder engagement efforts.

  • Strategy

    UI/UX Strategy

  • Design

    UI/UX Design

  • Client

    ESMAA Music

  • Presentations

    Pitch Decks

  • Platforms

    Desktop, Mobile

Open Project
⬤ 01. Challenges

ESMAA Music’s
Digital Presence

We undertook the mission to elevate ESMAA’s digital landscape, aligning it with their vision and objectives in the Gulf region’s music industry.


We developed a cohesive visual identity that extends across all digital platforms. This unified approach ensures consistency in ESMAA’s branding, reinforcing their position as a leader in music rights management. The visual system incorporates modern design elements that reflect the organization’s innovative spirit and cultural heritage.

To further support ESMAA’s efforts, we created a suite of dynamic presentation designs. These presentations are tailored for various purposes, including business development, stakeholder engagement, and industry events. With custom graphics and interactive features, these materials effectively communicate ESMAA’s initiatives and achievements.


By delivering these comprehensive digital solutions, we have helped ESMAA solidify their role as a pivotal entity in the music industry, ensuring that their brand resonates with stakeholders, partners, and the wider community.

⬤ 02. Experience

A fluid visual user
experience with a
new solutions.

Our approach involved crafting a dynamic and cohesive interface that not only embraced the brand’s aesthetic but also incorporated cutting-edge solutions to enhance user engagement.

This fusion of style and technology not only redefined the brand’s online identity but also established a contemporary and user-friendly platform that resonates with the evolving needs of their growing audience.

Color palette

/ Foundations
SCSS var

R 92
G 93
B 91

Gun Metal

SCSS var

R 218
G 215
B 208

Beige and Stone

SCSS var

R 0
G 122
B 255

Neutral Grey

SCSS var

R 22
G 35
B 42

Moonlight Black

Aligning with the brand’s essence and elevating its visual identity with its inspiring color palettes. 

Drawing inspiration from its history and the brand’s unique aesthetic, the carefully selected colors infused a sense of modernity and elegance into the brand.


/ Scales

Helvetica Now Display


Helvetica, the epitome of timeless elegance, perfectly complements Sixteen Ninety Two’s brand, embodying a modern and sophisticated aesthetic effortlessly.

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789

Helvetica Now Display


With its clean lines and timeless appeal, Helvetica seamlessly encapsulates the chic aesthetic of Sixteen Ninety Two, embodying the brand's refined modernity.

Helvetica Now Display

Body, UI, Buttons

Helvetica’s clean simplicity aligns flawlessly with the brand’s chic aesthetic, creating a typographic synergy that defines the brand’s modern elegance.

⬤ 03. Mobile Experience

Putting our focus on
changing the way people
think of mobile experience.


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